Saturday, January 11, 2025

Dental Loupes for Dental assistants

I was seeing dental assistants wearing loupes on Instagram. 

A quick search came up with this product called "Hero Loupes" 

They have something called "Sidekick"., which is the lowest price one. This can be clipped onto the safety glasses. Price is $293 Canadian. 

Looks very nice. But I am not sure about the weight. 
Will it be good for people who have prescription glasses? Not sure. I think, since it is clip-on, it can be clipped on to the prescription safety glasses without trouble. 
This can be a life changer for full time dental assistants. 



Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Dentist lost licence

I saw this news: The Barrie dentist, Dr. Chapnick lost his licence. The reason stated was that he sexually abused a patient.

He was asked to pay $10,000 to the Royal College of dental surgeons. a quick search showed me he owned two practices in Ontario. But, the offices are not taking any patients for Dr. Chapnick now. 

My heart goes to all those people who worked for him.  Here, even though the doctor is the culprit, the staff also bear the shame. 

Why do things like this happen in dental offices? How the dentist got the chance to abuse a patient? 

It is not easy to get licensed to be a dentist. How many foreign dentists are appearing for the licensing exam and failing each year? Think of the money they have to spend to appear for the exam! 

I just wish dentists think of all those things before writing a prescription and before giving a treatment. 

The shame of malpractice is not only on the dentists, but the family, friends and the staff has to suffer it too. 

It is a sad situation that a dentist or any healthcare provider becomes an abuser. 

Can they get help to stop abusing other people? 

Are there more victims?

So many unanswered questions...



Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Electric tooth brush

Electric toothbrushes are in style. 

How to use a Sonicare one?

It rotates. So, you just hold it gently against your teeth. No force at all. 

Let the brush do the work for you.

Move from tooth to tooth and allow the brush to work on all surfaces. 

Sonicare has a timer setting. So you will be sure you are not brushing faster. 

My Sonicare even let e know when to change the brush head.

isn't it nice?



Friday, May 14, 2021

Patient's demands

It is not always a great workday at the office.

Most patients don't like to be on a dental chair for restorative work. 

This week, I got an unpleasant patient. He was not interested in having a conversation with me. 

He was talking nicely to the dentist. After giving the anaesthetic, the doctor left the room asking me to place the rubber dam. 

He was making my job very difficult by closing the mouth. To make me miserable, the dam tore when I was stretching it over his teeth. 

When I try to place a new sheet, he snapped " you call the dentist". I went to the dentist and told her "I can't place it". then the doctor came and done that. 

He was very cooperative with the dentist.  

I wanted to blame this as the patient not being comfortable in a dental office setting. I wanted to blame dental phobia. I wanted to blame myself for tearing the dental dam.....

I wanted to overcome the bad feelings and let them go too.



Sunday, February 4, 2018

Gingival retraction

The dentists try to retract the gingiva before taking final impressions for crowns or veneers.
All these years, I was taking gingival retraction chord for this purpose. Oh, no, I was not packing the chord. Level 2 dental assistants are not supposed to do that.
To stop gingival bleeding, the chord is socked in a hemostatic solution like Hemodent first. Then the dentist use a retraction chord packer to place it around the tooth.
I got a chance to see another material recently. The dentist use Expasyl system. It comes like an anesthetic cartridge, a gun and a tip.
It is easy to assemble. The application is faster than packing the chord. The dentist will wash the material from the gingiva and dry the area before taking the final impression.

There are other materials like magic Cord retraction paste. But, I haven't got a chance to use that.
The simple trick for cutting a retraction chord to fit around tooth is to wrap around your little finger and cut it. Usually it will be perfect size.  How that works??? No clue.  But it works all the time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Brain Dead after Dental visit.

The other day while surfing on the net, I slearned about the horrible tory of a girl became brain dead because of dental treatment.
The girl was getting treatments done by a paediatric dentist. General dentists refer little patients, who are not co-operative to pedodontist. Some times, the kid need more care than the general dentist can offer.
But, what went wrong in the dental office, that made the little girl brain dead?

The article says the kid had breakfast before procedure. Was it known to the dentist? Does it made the complication? a lot of un answered questions.

How on earth, the kid had so much decayed teeth to begin with?
Wasn't the drinking water fluoridated in Edmonton?

I am so sorry for the family. Hope, this sad fate will something positive in the end.

Make dreamscometrue


Monday, February 24, 2014

Dycal: Information for Dental Assistants

What is Dycal?
Dycal is a cavity liner, which comes as a two paste system, base and accelerator. It is Calcium Hydroxide. It can also be used in pulp capping.
It usually used when the dentist feels like the cavity is so deep and almost the nerve is almost exposed. The calcium hydroxide will help the tooth to heal. 

How to Mix Dycal
Here is a video of how to mix the dycal.

Usually the assistant gives the Dycal along with a Dycal applicator to the dentist. (Dycal applicator looks like a ball burnisher but slightly different.)
The one above is single ended. The one below is double ended and you can see how it is different from a ball burnisher.
It is a hard setting and has low solubility. Dycal helps the restoration of pulp vitality and do not interfere with composite filling materials.

If doing composite fillings, usually dentist put Dycal first, then do the etching, bonding and placing of composite.

What do you think of this post in Toothtalkings? 
Any questions, please use the comment section. 
