Friday, October 11, 2013

Do you want coffee?

The dentist I was working with was a lady and her husband was the acting office manager.
 Let us call the husband Mr. Man and the Dentist Dr.Lady.

Dr.Lady is pretty and has a special tone when talks about money. Mr.Man can be very loud sometimes. Both were known for their penny pinching ways. I mean all staff knew it.

When they opened a second office, they wanted the assistants to go and set up the place. When we were there, it was not just setting up, but rather cleaning up the dust and all the things left out by the installation crew. 

After 3 hours of gruelling cleaning, we both were tired and didn't even had drinking water. Then Mr. Man stepped in. He was happy to see we cleaned the place and it is fine. 
ThenMr.Man asked the unexpected question. "Do you want coffee?"

We thought he was happy and is offering coffee in a friendly way. "Would love to" was our answer.
Then he said "Tim Hortons is around the corner"....

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